# Properties which can be provided either as , as command-line arguments, or here. server= nickname= username= realname= join= # Treat service_bots.* nicks as special service bots or eggdrops. # NOT USER CONFIGURABLE. special_services=yes # Nicks to treat as belonging to service bots/eggdrops. # This is ignored if special_services is disabled. # The nicknames are case insensitive. # NOT USER CONFIGURABLE. #service_bots.nick=W #service_bots.chans=X # Some Epiknet examples. #service_bots.nicks=Themis #service_bots.chans=Gaia #service_bots.bots=Poseidon #service_bots.memos=Hermes #service_bots.help=Iris #service_bots.oper=Zeus service_bots.nicks=NickServ service_bots.chans=ChanServ service_bots.bots=BotServ service_bots.memos=MemoServ service_bots.help=HelpServ service_bots.oper=OperServ service_bots.hosts=HostServ others_bots={Cool_stats},{Cool_quizz},{Cool_scramble} # Locally hide users' IP in whois. # NOT USER CONFIGURABLE. hideip=no # Parameter to pass to LIST command. # NOT USER CONFIGURABLE at this moment. # This is a common extension to RFC 1459. # If your IRCd doesn't support this (some do, some don't), just use an empty parameter. # "{0}" is the minimum number of users in the channel for the client to list # If you are using Hybrid IRCd, uncomment this : # list_parameter=-min{0} list_parameter=>{0} # Localized timestamps # 0 = none # 1 = time # 2 = time seconds # 3 = date time date_format=0 # Automatically list channels at login. auto_list=yes # Receive channels invitations. see_invite=yes # See every message from the server, including the ones EIRC doesn't handle. see_everything_from_server=no # See channel join/part messages. see_join=no # Request MOTD after log-in. Some servers don't use one, some send it automatically. request_motd=no # Filter mIRC attributes from incoming text. filter_mirc_attribs=no # Set the message to use with the command QUIT. quit_message= # Enable if your IRCd supports half-ops. # Half-ops are a not yet widely adopted extension to the RFC 1459. # NOT USER CONFIGURABLE. have_halfops=yes # What type of NickItem renderer should be used. # Current options include: # 0 = traditional ASCII symbols. # 1 = color bullets ala X-Chat. nick_item_renderer=1 # What sort method to use for sorting NickItem's in a NickList. # Current options include: # 0 = A-Z, case insensitive. # 1 = as #0, but Ops, et al., go first). nick_item_sort_method=1 # Whether to notify the peer on receving a CTCP DCC command -which is not supported by EIRC- from her. # It should be turned off if you're afraid of being flooded. on_dcc_notify_peer=off # Whether to focus private windows when they are first opened. focus_opening_privates=no # Whether to get new private windows. no_privates=no # Password to use for authenticating to the server. password= # Default color writing write_color=1 # Default scrolling speed # 0 = SMOOTH # 1 = FAST # 2 = SAFE scroll_speed=1 # ASL (Age-Sex-Location) parse type # 0 = Coolsmile-Pjirc # 1 = EpikNet # 2 = Free-Langochat default_asl=0 # Network characters encoding, see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.3/docs/guide/intl/encoding.doc.html # "IRC" detects if a message is UTF-8 or ISO_8859-1 encoded # "IRC-mixed" detects UTF-8 or ISO_8859-1 words inside a single message decoding=IRC-mixed encoding=IRC-mixed # Ping the server # 0 = disabled # 90 = send a ping when server has not replied for 90 seconds ping=180 # Users are restricted to join channels. # 0 = unrestricted # 1 = restrict to join only channels at start () restrict_join=0 # Disable web and channels hyperlinks in chat windows # 0 = enable hyperlinks # 1 = disable hyperlinks nolinks=0 # # Ansi colors for palette # # White n0=0xFFFFFF c0=1 # Black n1=0x000000 c1=0 # Blue n2=0x0000AA c2=6 # Green n3=0x007F00 c3=10 # Red n4=0xAA0000 c4=14 # Brown n5=0xAA5500 c5=12 # Purple n6=0xAA00AA c6=4 # Light Red n7=0xFF5555 c7=15 # Yellow n8=0xFFFF55 c8=13 # Light Green n9=0x55FF55 c9=11 # Cyan n10=0x00AAAA c10=8 # Light Cyan n11=0x55FFFF c11=9 # Light blue n12=0x5555FF c12=7 # Light Purple n13=0xFF55FF c13=5 # Dark Gray n14=0x7F7F7F c14=2 # Light Gray n15=0x555555 c15=3 # Background n16=0x000000 # Foreground n17=0xFFFFFF # # User Color Schemes # color.blueviolet=0x8A2BE2 color.brown=0xA52A2A color.burlywood=0xDEB887 color.chocolate=0xD2691E color.darkcyan=0x008B8B color.darkmagenta=0x8B008B color.darkolivegreen=0x556B2F color.darksalmon=0xE9967A color.darkslateblue=0x483D8B color.dimgray=0x696969 color.dodgerblue=0x1E90FF color.firebrick=0xB22222 color.forestgreen=0x228B22 color.goldenrod=0xDAA520 color.hotpink=0xFF69B4 color.indianred=0xCD5C5C color.lightblue=0xADD8E6 color.navyblue=0x9FAFDF color.orchid=0xDA70D6 color.palevioletred=0xDB7093 color.peru=0xCD853F color.royalblue=0x4169E1 color.seagreen=0x2E8B57 color.silver=0xC0C0C0 color.steelblue=0x4682B4 color.teal=0x008080 # Enable sounds loading at connection. # NOT USER CONFIGURABLE. # load_sounds=yes # 0 = sounds enabled # 1 = sounds disabled when user is away # 2 = sounds disabled # silent=1 # Sounds section # Relative path and filenames (may be case sensitive) # sound.path=sfx sound.1=Boink.au sound.2=Boooh.au sound.3=Boop.au sound.4=Click.au sound.5=Clock.au sound.6=Drip.au sound.7=Hit.au sound.8=Magic.au sound.9=Pipe.au sound.10=Pouet.au sound.11=Rifle.au sound.12=Ringin.au sound.13=Squish.au sound.14=Train.au sound.15=Warning.au sound.16=Whistle.au sound.17=Whoosh.au sound.18=Yoo.au sound.19=Glass.au sound.20=Temple.au # # Defaults selected sounds # # Event 1 : someone joined the channel # Event 2 : someone left the channel # Event 3 : someone gained privilege # Event 4 : someone lost privilege # Event 5 : someone was kicked from the channel # Event 6 : someone was banned from the channel # Event 7 : someone left the server # Event 8 : someone talk to you in private # Event 9 : someone talk to you in channel event_1= event_2= event_3=Yoo.au event_4=Boooh.au event_5=Whistle.au event_6=Hit.au event_7= event_8=Glass.au event_9=Temple.au # # Local path to browser (only as Application, useless as Applet) # navigator.Linux=firefox {0} navigator.Windows=rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler {0} navigator.Mac_OS_X=open -a safari {0}